Who We Are

Our Mission

We are a Gospel-formed family of disciples sent to make Jesus known in Mountain Home through Worship of Jesus Christ, Connecting with God and His People, and Serving Christ to point others to Him.

Our Vision

God has given us a vision to be a family of believers in Jesus committed to maturing as disciples leading in the home, serving in the community, being generous in our giving, and loving everyone for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Our Values

Gospel Driven

We desire to see truth intersect with all of life. We believe all theological truth is practical for life and the mission of the gospel (2 Tim. 3:16-17). We seek to reflect on the complexities of life from a gospel-centered worldview. The gospel requires us to engage many cultural forms in our world to connect and communicate with people from varying belief systems and practices.

Relationally Driven

The gospel of grace makes us one in Christ (Gal. 3:28).  Therefore, we will celebrate what Christ is doing through us as we establish relationships with all kinds of people with a view to demonstrate the reality of the gospel to our families, friends, neighbors, and co-workers in our city.

Family Driven

We desire to train husbands and fathers, wives and mothers, youth and children to see the seat of spiritual formation be in the home (Eph. 5 & 6).  We desire to foster an environment where singles are not marginalized but vital to church life and health.  We desire to operate under the assumption that no person is more valuable than the next in the family of Christ and that living a gospel-centered life toward everyone is the greatest privilege in the family of God.